Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI)

Cost-Effective and Convenient Online Surveys.
Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) is a flexible and efficient method of collecting market research data through online surveys. Respondents complete the survey at their convenience, providing a cost-effective solution for reaching large audiences with minimal effort.

Key Benefits of CAWI

Wide Reach

CAWI allows you to gather insights from a broad and diverse audience, both locally and globally, by utilizing the internet to reach respondents anywhere, anytime.

Enhanced Engagement

Surveys can include multimedia elements such as images, videos, and interactive components, enhancing the respondent's engagement and understanding of the questions.


With no need for physical interviews or phone calls, CAWI reduces the costs of data collection while still delivering accurate results.

Automated & Efficient

The entire process—from distributing the survey to collecting and analyzing responses—is automated, ensuring timely results and high data quality.

When to Use CAWI

CAWI is ideal for large-scale surveys, customer satisfaction studies, concept testing, and gathering feedback on new products or services. It’s especially useful when you need a fast turnaround and wish to minimize costs while maximizing reach.

Our Process

We design intuitive, user-friendly surveys that keep respondents engaged. Our expert team manages every stage of the process, from survey creation to secure data collection and analysis, ensuring you receive actionable insights without the hassle.

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