Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)

Personalized and Data-Driven Interviews
Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) combines the benefits of face-to-face interviews with the efficiency of digital technology. In this method, interviewers use a tablet or laptop to guide the interview process and directly record responses, ensuring accuracy and speed in data collection.

Key Benefits of CAPI

Real-Time Data Entry

Responses are recorded digitally during the interview, reducing manual data entry errors and allowing for faster processing and analysis.

Detailed Insights

The personal nature of CAPI facilitates deeper conversations with respondents, while the technology ensures no important data is missed.

Interactive & Adaptive

CAPI allows for dynamic question routing, meaning questions can adapt in real-time based on the respondent's answers, providing a personalized interview experience.

Enhanced Accuracy

Using digital tools to record responses helps prevent errors or inconsistencies in data collection and ensures that responses are saved securely.

When to Use CAPI

CAPI is ideal for situations where personal interaction is needed, such as when discussing complex topics or gathering detailed feedback on sensitive issues. It’s also perfect for research projects conducted in locations without stable internet access, as responses can be stored and uploaded later.

Our Approach

Our trained interviewers conduct CAPI interviews with professionalism and care, ensuring respondents feel comfortable while delivering reliable and actionable data. We handle the entire process, from designing the digital questionnaire to analyzing the results, so you can focus on applying the insights.

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